A new segment on All the Gubbins, coming at ya fast on this Monday morning, which just so happens to be Jordan’s and my 8th wedding anniversary. Happy anniversary, Jordan – this new segment is dedicated to you. Each month I’ll recap the gubbins from our lives.
Not gonna lie – September was pretty great.
We finally pulled the trigger and bought the eBike that I have been lusting over for the past 2 years. It’s a Radwagon, from Radbikes out of Seattle, and it’s everything I ever hoped it would be. It’s worthy of its own post, and that will come once we get it outfitted and accessorized.

The boys building the Radwagon. It had been a long day: I had just brought Jurgen home from the doctor for a suspected ear infection. It was a false alarm. He’d been waking up every 45-60 minutes during the night and I was exhausted. We pulled in the driveway to find the bike had been delivered and Jordan and Ali were hard at work putting it together.
I took off on my first trip sans kids since February 2016 to race the 5th Avenue Mile in NYC with my brother. The race was meh, but the trip was great. And by meh, I mean my personal performance – I highly recommend running the NYRR 5th Avenue Mile, it was a really cool experience to run straight down 5th Avenue. I was only away from home for about 34 hours because 48 hours after I got home…

The inaugural ride to preschool! We’re in the process of accessorizing it so it’s comfortable for Ali – though he loves riding it like this too. (Note the belt I’m wearing just so he has something to hold on to…probably not ideal.)
We were off to Europe for 2 weeks. We met up with my parents in my dad’s hometown, risked life and limb climbing the Zugspitze, and then spent time on a tiny Croatian island doing a whole lotta nothing. More on that another time – it was a great trip.
Jordan closed out the month with a win at the Bear Chase Trail Half Marathon and the boys and I were able to see it! Getting to his races this year has been harder than in the past (2 kids + early wake-ups + race locations not just down the road), but this time the jet lag was on our side. Alistair woke up early very excited to see dad race — it was adorable.

How cute is this? They were so excited to see Jordan running.
My reads this month were mostly in two categories: management / performance reviews and family travel / life. I loved this HBR book on performance reviews. We’re working on updating the way we do performance reviews at Powder7, so I’ve been spending a good amount of time researching best practices. I went on a Tsh Oxenreider kick for my mellow reads, and I enjoyed her story of traveling the world for 9 months with her husband and 3 kids: At Home in the World.