We’ve always been big readers around here, but even more so during #pandemiclife. With few places to go, we’ve explored through reading. Here are some of our fall favorites.
Blueberries for Sal (Robert McCloskey)

Fall – Seasons of the Year series (Harriet Brundle)
Autumn: Signs of the season around North America (Mary Pat Finnegan)
Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf (Lois Ehlert)
A Tree is Nice (Janic May Udry)
Hello, Harvest Moon (Ralph J. Fletcher)

We read back to school books all year long, especially when we’re going through a phase where someone might be less than keen on heading off to school in the mornings (thankfully that’s becoming rarer, but it still happens once in awhile). Back to school books help remind us that everyone goes to school – sometimes it just looks different, especially this year!
The Pigeon Has to go to School (Mo Willems)

We Don’t Eat Our Classmates (Ryan T. Higgins)

Pete the Cat, Rocking in My School Shoes (Eric Litwin)