40 Inch View

“Mom, can I see your phone?” Ugh…it’s starting already. At the age of 4, Alistair is already requesting my phone. He’s no stranger to technology, we’re not no screentime kind of parents. We’re realistic, but this gets me. We’re in Read more…


A recap of our Europe trip is coming, but I’ll start with the end – the reentry phase – since that’s what we’re dealing with now. And it’s a bit of a bear. We returned home on Tuesday afternoon and Read more…

Vermont Photo Journal

Vermont highlights: playing in Lake Champlain from the shores of South Hero, impromptu magic show at our friends’ neighbor’s house, eating really good tacos, seeing the kids play together, all of the greenery, lots of friend time.


I wrote varying forms of this on Facebook and in an email to friends and family. It didn’t feel right to me to continue this blog, however fledgling, without acknowledging the loss our family has recently suffered. Alex was a traveler and a writer, and I’ll continue this blog as way of honoring him. 

It’s been a month since we lost Jordan’s younger brother, Alex, to suicide. A month of mourning, asking why, wondering what must have been going through his mind in those final moments, a month of watching Carrie, Jordan, and George manage this immensely painful loss with the utmost poise and grace.
