A few days on Vashon

Know what never happens? Me, cracking open my laptop on a flight. But here I am – flying from Seattle to Newark. Alistair to my left, napping in his own seat. Jurgen to my right, napping in the Ergo on top of Jordan. I’m just sitting here in the lap […]


I wrote varying forms of this on Facebook and in an email to friends and family. It didn’t feel right to me to continue this blog, however fledgling, without acknowledging the loss our family has recently suffered. Alex was a traveler and a writer, and I’ll continue this blog as way of honoring him. 

It’s been a month since we lost Jordan’s younger brother, Alex, to suicide. A month of mourning, asking why, wondering what must have been going through his mind in those final moments, a month of watching Carrie, Jordan, and George manage this immensely painful loss with the utmost poise and grace.


Day 5: A Quick Sojourn in Rio Castilla

This is the last post in a four part series about our recent New Mexico roadtrip. The previous posts are linked at the bottom of this one. Rio Castilla was empty, all 80,000 acres of it. Our van was a tiny white speck amidst a vast canyon with a winding […]

Days 4 & 5: Santa Fe Claus

This is the third post in a four part series about our family’s recent trip to New Mexico. You can read the previous posts about Ojo Caliente, and about Bandelier National Monument. Santa Fe doesn’t seem like the North Pole, but maybe it’s Santa’s vacation home. There was a lot […]

Days 1 & 2: Motoring to New Mexico

Last month we spent 5 days adventure van-ing around northern New Mexico. It was our first camping trip as a family of four, and it went surprisingly well. Jurgen is in a very wiggly stage, where he constantly wants to get down on the ground, crawl around, and put everything […]

About the Gubbins

gubbins [ˈgʌbɪnz] n Informal 1. an object of little or no value 2. a small device or gadget 3. odds and ends; litter or rubbish 4. a silly person Growing up, gubbins were what was left on your plate after you had just eaten, say, a taco and a good amount […]

And we’re back.

After a 7 month hiatus, All the Gubbins is back. While I would like to say it’s back and better than ever, the truth is it’s back and worse than ever. You see, all of the old content has washed away into the internet abyss – 50% Bluehost dropping the […]