This is the last post in a four part series about our recent New Mexico roadtrip. The previous posts are linked at the bottom of this one.
Rio Castilla was empty, all 80,000 acres of it. Our van was a tiny white speck amidst a vast canyon with a winding river, bright green fields, and dark green mountains. When you have your pick of any campsite, it’s hard to choose. We parked the rig in one near the river as the rain pounded down, and cozied up in the back. At that point our iPhone and iPad charger was officially kaput, so we settled on old fashioned fun: books. Translated into the parlance of 2 boys under 4, that meant roughhousing, tickling, and using Jordan and me as jungle gyms.

Our campsite.
When the rain let up a bit, my own stir-craziness kicked in and I ventured out for a run. Nothing major, just a swift 2 miles to get the blood flowing. I came back to the van with tales of an even better campsite, just up the road. Confession: I have no sense of what the van can handle. Its undercarriage clearance might be 3 inches, it could be 16 inches…I really have no gauge for what’s reasonable. This complete lack of awareness resulted in the van bottoming out on what I assured Jordan was a smooth, albeit earthy, driveway. My bad. Was the move worth it? Inconclusive, though it did satisfy the mama bear in me by being farther from the rapid waters, a paranoia disguised and presented to the papa bear in the form of “a better campsite.”

Jurgen somehow managed to not put a rock in his mouth for the 2 seconds it took to take this shot.
I think I would like to go back and spend some time in Rio Castilla. It was tough to gauge what it would be like in the peak of summer when we were, literally, the only people in the vast expanse.
New Mexico Adventure Van Roadtrip with the Youngins:
Part 1: Motorin’ to New Mexico
Part 2: Bandelier National Monument
Part 3: Santa Fe